+ Wills, Trusts, and Powers of Attorney
We want the plan to fit you rather than making you fit the plan. That is why we get to know you first, before we let you buy anything from us.
Our first meeting is an in-depth strategy and planning session, during which we discuss your situation, your needs and your wants. We do not charge you to have that meeting with us. Only after we know you, and what it will take to make a comprehensive plan that fits your needs, do we quote you a flat fee to put the pieces together. These pieces often include:
Our basic package, including a Will, healthcare directive, and financial power of attorney
Beneficiary designation planning, including coordination with your tax and financial advisors
Business succession planning and advice
If you agree to our quoted price, we make a follow-up appointment to review and sign all of the legal documents you and your family need to execute the plan. When you're ready, click the button to download our questionnaire, and call us to make an appointment!
+ Probate
The probate process is difficult administratively and emotionally. We recommend that you outsource that difficulty to us, because we help our other clients navigate probate administration every day. Our experience can make probate easy - as easy as anything can be during a difficult time.
If you have probate questions, email or call us. We will be glad to talk you through it.
+ Trust Administration
Everybody has some gifts they want to give, and beneficiaries to give them to. But many people don't know the best way to get one to the other. That is where trusts can often help.
If you are a trustee and have questions about administering trusts in the best way, or if you need someone to serve as trustee, we can help.
- Guardianship and Conservatorship
Sometimes our clients' family members unexpectedly cannot make or communicate financial or healthcare decisions for themselves. When that happens, it is often wise to apply for guardianship or conservatorship.
If you think you or someone you know may need a guardian or conservator, please reach out to us sooner rather than later. We look forward to speaking with you.
The Biden tax plan details leaked this week.