Lean On Me
Social media has kept us from solving our problems by making us afraid to share them.
Conventional knowledge holds that social media results in over-disclosure and relaxed social boundaries, but in fact the opposite is true. Everyone feels pressure to put their best self on the internet. This pressure to perform and to appear to have it all together forces everyone to hide their problems. The result is that on the internet no one looks like they have a problem or needs anything. This compounding fear of self-disclosure manifests in delayed commitment, social isolation and lethal procrastination.
The truth is that everyone needs help. Often enough all it takes is asking the right person for the assistance and guidance you need to dispel your biggest fears.
In talking with a new client for the first time, many have the concern that lawyers are "too expensive" or "crooked" after hearing a friend or neighbor communicate a negative experience. They then become afraid to ask for help in solving their legal issues, which only compounds the problem and makes an easily remedied situation unnecessary complex and complicated. We don't ever want negative perception or a friend's sour experiences to detract from you finding a proactive and complete solution to your concerns.
Just like everyone else in a service industry, we can't stay in business if we don't add value for our clients. We went to school for a long time in order to answer these concerns, but to also advise and guide you to the best solutions for your situation.
Chief among our clients' fears is making sure their families are properly taken care of. They have young children and are often worried about who will be in charge of their kids if they die. Those with grandchildren are concerned that the resources they have saved to give to their kids will end up in a stranger's hands. We can address both of these particular fears with a comprehensive estate plan, personalized for you and your family, with a no-obligation first conversation to learn about your needs and potential solutions.
So please give us a call, if you ever need a friend. We are right up the road, and no one can fill the needs you don't let show.